Broadcast streams within SmartTV app

Broadcast streams within SmartTV app

Postby siimpuskai_1 » Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:01 am


Was wondering if STA specification is to enable building \"hybrid\" apps - meaning could I combine broadcast signal based content with HLS for an example?
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Broadcast streams within SmartTV app

Postby Support_STA » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:03 pm

HiSiim Puskai,

I don't understand fully your question, could your make it more detail?
You are mentioned about HbbTV, aren't you? If it is, you can check STA Sepcification to get this reference.
Please tell me if this is not your expectation.

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Broadcast streams within SmartTV app

Postby siimpuskai_1 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:25 am


Actually I'd like to build an app that combines different signals as source of content. For an example, have VOD services through supported HLS/DASH streams using PlayReady DRM, but at the same time enable linear content in the app (received from satellite or cable directly to the TV and possible crypted with CI+/CAM cards). For an example, partially I can do that today on Samsung by accessing broadcast JS API-s to get channel list, now paying program info, etc. that I can use in my app.UI of course would be html based app, published through Smart TV Developer Portal.

Would something like that be possible?
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Broadcast streams within SmartTV app

Postby Support_STA » Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:24 am


Thanks for the question, this is actually a spec-related issue: in the specification there is no way to access broadcast API's, as such this is impossible in the current specification.

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