Unable to delete the entered number in the input field

Unable to delete the entered number in the input field

Postby rjot » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:14 am

Hi, in my app i have some inputs with number, and when user click BLUE key when input has class activeStep, then app call deleteLastChar(). In Philips devices it not work, but in STA emulator works fine, anybody knows why? I put some code bellow:
Code: Select all
<div id=\"amountOut\" class=\"cursorHand activeStep\">
<p id=\"amountOutText\">Amount:</p>
<input id=\"amountOutInput\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"11\" value=\"5000\" />


case VK_BLUE:

if($('#calcForm .activeStep').find('input').length > 0){

function deleteLastChar() {
// etc not important

P.S. I don't have a real Philips device, only test in STA emulator.
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:46 am

Unable to delete the entered number in the input field

Postby Support_STA » Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:05 pm

Hi eR Jaro,

Did you make something else to change the default behavior of the textbox?
I think that will make the on-screen keyboard goes wrong.

Posts: 136
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:56 am

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