SDK for Ubuntu not working properly.

SDK for Ubuntu not working properly.

Postby aruna_8225 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:53 am


I tried to install SMART alliance SDK in ubuntu by following the steps provided in the SDK manual.The following is what I have done.

1) Install JRE 1.6 +
2) Install Virtual box 4.1+
3) Install Smart alliance sdk

Opened the IDE and created a sample dynamic web project.But the 'Deploy to SDK' option is not coming on right clicking the project.

Are the above steps correct?
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:40 am

Re: SDK for Ubuntu not working properly.

Postby SDK_STA » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:51 am


provided you followed the steps in the manual, this is indeed the general approach in which you start an application development project. Did you right-click on the project name ? The option "Deploy to SDK" will appear above the "Run As" option that is available in the Eclipse IDE. It will only appear when you right click on the project name, all other directories/files will not have the same "Deploy to SDK" context menu option.

Please also verify if in menu : Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details (button) -> Plug-ins (tab) -> you can see:
Provider : Smart TV Alliance
Plug-in name: SmartTvAllianceSdk
(this validates that you run the correct IDE and the plugin to show the Smart TV Alliance features in Eclipse is indeed present)

Smart TV Alliance
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Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:31 am

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